Statement of Notifiable Matters
Important Information Relating to Credit Reporting
Our Statement of Notifiable Matters complements our Privacy and Credit Reporting Policy and sets out important information about credit reporting.
1. Introduction
Credit is provided by Now Finance Group Pty Ltd ACN 158 703 612, as agent for NF Finco 2 Pty Ltd ACN 164 213 030 Australian Credit Licence number 425142 (together and separately referred to in this Statement as “us”, “we”, “our”) (NOW Finance).
To the extent applicable, our handling of credit-related personal information is regulated by the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (‘Privacy Act’) and the Privacy (Credit Reporting) Code (‘CR Code’).
Our Privacy and Credit Reporting Policy is available under the Privacy heading on our website. This Policy provides information on our management of your personal and credit information, including:
- your right to access the information we hold on you;
- your right to seek the correction of information that we hold about you;
- your right to complain about a breach by us of the Privacy Act or the CR Code and how we will deal with such a complaint; and
- entities outside Australia to which we are likely to disclose your information and the countries where they are located.
1.1 We may disclose your personal information to credit reporting bodies
Credit reporting bodies are allowed under the Privacy Act and the CR Code to handle personal information relating to credit.
If you apply for credit with us, or offer to guarantee a loan, we may disclose your personal information to, or collect personal information about you from, a credit reporting body. This information is used for the purpose of determining your eligibility for credit, and we may process the information to create an unsuitability assessment or other ratings of your suitability for credit. Credit reporting bodies may include your personal information in reports that they provide to credit providers to assist those providers in assessing your credit worthiness (such as when you have applied for a loan from the provider). In particular, information about an application you make to us for consumer credit may be included and may impact your credit score or rating maintained by the credit reporting body, for example if you have made multiple credit applications in a short time.
For example, if you fail to meet your payment obligations to us in relation to consumer credit, or if you commit a serious credit infringement in relation to consumer credit provided by us, we may be entitled to disclose this information to credit reporting bodies. We do not require your consent to disclose credit reporting information about you to a credit reporting body where you are the borrower in relation to consumer credit.
We may disclose information to the following credit reporting bodies:
- Equifax Australia
Phone: 13 8332
- Illion
Phone: 1300 734 806
- Experian Australia Credit Services Pty Ltd
Phone: 1300 783 684
These credit reporting bodies are each required to have a policy which explains how they will manage your credit-related personal information. To view the policy of any of these credit reporting bodies please visit the relevant credit reporting body’s website and follow the “Privacy” links, or you can contact them directly for further information.
1.2 Excluding your credit reporting information from direct marketing pre-screening
Credit reporting bodies offer a service to credit providers wishing to send direct marketing material about credit services to individuals. This is called “credit pre-screening”.
You have the right to request that a credit reporting body exclude your credit reporting information from being used by them for direct marketing pre-screening activities. You should contact each relevant credit reporting body directly if you wish to request this.
1.3 Protecting your credit reporting information if you are the victim of fraud
You have the right to request that a credit reporting body not use or disclose your credit reporting information if you believe that you have been, or are likely to be, the victim of fraud (for example, if you suspect that someone is using your identity details to apply for credit). You should contact each relevant credit reporting body directly if you wish to request this.
1.4 Accessing or correcting your personal information or making a privacy complaint
You have the right to request access to, or correction of, personal information that we hold about you, including credit-related information. You also have rights to make a complaint if you consider that we have not complied with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) in relation to this information. Our Privacy and Credit Reporting Policy sets out how you can make such requests or complaints and how we will deal with them.
For details about how we manage personal information (including credit reporting information) that we hold about you, please see our Privacy and Credit Reporting Policy.
2. Our Contact Details
If you have any questions, concerns or feedback about privacy, please contact us at:
PO Box 24313, Melbourne VIC 3000
Last revised: February 2025